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Aerial Photography



Tracking inventory is important from an operational and an environmental compliance perspective. Under Environmental Protection Agency rules, operators must update Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans within 6 months of any production site change. LDAR monitoring plans under Quad Oa require that an observation path be clearly laid out prior to doing the actual monitoring.


Baber Environmental saves its clients time and money by performing these time-consuming and tedious inspections by air with an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with high definition photography and video equipment that will deliver detailed inspections safely and efficiently.


Real Estate Aerial Photography


We also offer Real Estate aerial photography.  If you are a realtor and need high quality photography of the property you are selling, we are an inexpensive and quick solution. (Example footage below.)

Process Aerial.JPG

Oil and natural gas production sites are continually changing. Because of age, wear, and new technology, operators frequently find themselves altering their sites with new equipment and other changes to ensure smooth production. Keeping up with those changes can be difficult.

Real Estate Example Footage

Real Estate Example Footage

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